16 Burns picks
Did you know that a lot of Burns picks were made in Sweden?
Here is an add for Burns picks and one special pick made for Hank Marvin. I will write more
about them in the book

15.Readers wishes
Please write me some lines what more you want me to write about in the book.
Which guitars do you think are the most interesting. Anything else.
If you have any story about Burns I would be happy to put it into the book.
I am also looking for more information about the Burns company in the 80:s.
I have talked to some people working with Jim Burns at that time but the picture
is not clear.
Maybee someting about Aristone guitars? Here is a pick of the head of one an Aristone guitar made by Burns

14. Strange Baldwin prototype
Now I have started working on my book again.
I have got this picture of the Shadows playing a strange Baldwin prototype in 1967 (from a film)

I have tried to find some facts about this guitar but not succeded. If anyone knows
anything about it, please contact me ([email protected]) asap.