22. Burns apps

This authumn we are going to release a  couple of Burns apps. It will be parts of the old book with
larger pictures in combination with new facts, intervjues and pictures. Something to look forward to.

For people interested in guitars

I. Burns – an introduction


·      What is so special about Burns guitars, innovatons

·     The Jim Burns Story - a little more information about Jim

·      The most well-known guitars - an introduction


For people interested in Burns guitars


II. Burns fifties and sixties

-       Supersound

-       Burns-Weill

-       Burns London

-      Intervjues with the old owners of Burns London Ltd

-      The guitars and basses

-       Oddballs

-       The players


III. Burns seventies

-       Hayman

-       Burns UK

-       Intervjue with the son of the owner of Burns UK.

-       The guitars and basses

-       Oddballs

-       The players


IV. Burns eighties

-       Jim Burns Ltd

-       The guitars and basses

-       Oddballs

-       The players

V. Burns nineties -2012

-       Burns London Ltd

-       Burns USA Ltd

-       The guitars and basses

-       Oddballs

-       The players


Deeper information about Burns

VI. Burns Innovations


-       innovations

-       pick-ups

-       circuity

-       dating of Burns gitars

-       Burns amps and effects


If you have anything to contribute, please don´t hesitate to contact me.

([email protected] or +46708134600)


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