22. Burns apps
larger pictures in combination with new facts, intervjues and pictures. Something to look forward to.
For people interested in guitars
I. Burns – an introduction
· What is so special about Burns guitars, innovatons
· The Jim Burns Story - a little more information about Jim
· The most well-known guitars - an introduction
For people interested in Burns guitars
II. Burns fifties and sixties
- Supersound
- Burns-Weill
- Burns London
- Intervjues with the old owners of Burns London Ltd
- The guitars and basses
- Oddballs
- The players
III. Burns seventies
- Hayman
- Burns UK
- Intervjue with the son of the owner of Burns UK.
- The guitars and basses
- Oddballs
- The players
IV. Burns eighties
- Jim Burns Ltd
- The guitars and basses
- Oddballs
- The players
V. Burns nineties -2012
- Burns London Ltd
- Burns USA Ltd
- The guitars and basses
- Oddballs
- The players
Deeper information about Burns
VI. Burns Innovations
- innovations
- pick-ups
- circuity
- dating of Burns gitars
- Burns amps and effects
If you have anything to contribute, please don´t hesitate to contact me.
([email protected] or +46708134600)
21. Burns pick-ups
Please contact jens persson <[email protected]>if you are interested.