Buy a Burns Flexi-cap
We have some black Burns Flexi-caps left. Really nice and with a wowen logo on the front. One size.
The price is only 7.99 GBP + Shipping 3 GBP. Please send me an e-mail if you are interested.
([email protected]). We only have a few so please hurry.
12. Lap-steels and other kind of guitars
Burns did not produce only electric guitars and basses. Back in the 60-s you will also find lap-steels, a guitar-organ (never released) and some other more or less strange instruments. We will show some really nice Crazy Diamonds.

11. Famous players during the 60-s

players have used Burns sometimes during their career. We have a huge lot of photos from the
60-s which are going to be a part of the book. And the Double 6 was an important part of the British
invasion in the USA. Here are some examples of bands from the 60-s.: The Searchers, Hermans Hermits,
The Lords and Peter Budd. Look at the beautiful 4 pick-up Black Bison. It is stunning. This is music history!

10. Fakes
Guitars are entertainment. Compared to other well-known brands, there are not so many Burns fakes
out there. Anyway some fakes are worth taking a closer look at. Here is a picture of a double neck Flyte

guitar/bass. According to Jim Burns the only Burns double-neck ever made was the Super-18.
This double neck must have been made by someone from a Burns Flyte bass and a Burns Flyte.
Good work but unfortunately a fake.
Below you will also see a very special Jazz Split Sound made from Burns parts by Jens Persson from Sweden. A really nice guitar and he told me that this guitar was for sale in a shop in Stockholm as a very rare Burns.
Rare - absolutely but not an original Burns. Jim never made the "hot cat" sound - but Jens did. Anyway I like
this guitar.
Watch out when you find a really rare bird.

9. Rare birds
I have tried to find pictures of some very rare Burns, Baldwin and Hayman guitars which I did not

had any pictures of in my book. My target is to cover all Burns serial produced guitars with good
photos. Here comes a photo of the rare Burns-Weill Fenton Bass.

8. Oddballs
In the book we will show a lot of strange oddballs in the Burns family. Guitars you have never seen.
Many of them are really "Crazy Diamonds". Here you can enjoy a picture of the Marval. A guitar built by
Brian Eastwood as a tribute to the Shadows. The hardware was supplied by Burns London Ltd. Two
guitars and one bass were made. The guitars caused a sensation at the "1998 Mad About Guitar Show in
Birmingham. One of them was played by Jet Harris.