22. Burns apps
larger pictures in combination with new facts, intervjues and pictures. Something to look forward to.
For people interested in guitars
I. Burns – an introduction
· What is so special about Burns guitars, innovatons
· The Jim Burns Story - a little more information about Jim
· The most well-known guitars - an introduction
For people interested in Burns guitars
II. Burns fifties and sixties
- Supersound
- Burns-Weill
- Burns London
- Intervjues with the old owners of Burns London Ltd
- The guitars and basses
- Oddballs
- The players
III. Burns seventies
- Hayman
- Burns UK
- Intervjue with the son of the owner of Burns UK.
- The guitars and basses
- Oddballs
- The players
IV. Burns eighties
- Jim Burns Ltd
- The guitars and basses
- Oddballs
- The players
V. Burns nineties -2012
- Burns London Ltd
- Burns USA Ltd
- The guitars and basses
- Oddballs
- The players
Deeper information about Burns
VI. Burns Innovations
- innovations
- pick-ups
- circuity
- dating of Burns gitars
- Burns amps and effects
If you have anything to contribute, please don´t hesitate to contact me.
([email protected] or +46708134600)
21. Burns pick-ups
Please contact jens persson <[email protected]>if you are interested.

20. More about the Shadows
Please send me an e-mail to: [email protected]
Below a picture that I have got from Bjørn Arnesen from Norway. It is an Burns Marvin from the
80-s which i signed by the Shadows. A little bit funna as I have only seen one video with the
Hank Marvin playing an 80-s Burns Marvin. Burns even had to take away the Marvin sign on
the guitars, probably as the quality of these guitar was really very poor compared to the very
nice 60:s Marvin guitars. Notice that the quality differs also very much betwen different 80:s Marvins.
Some are really discasters and others are quite ok to play. The quality of the different parts of the
guitar also differ very much Some people are trying to get a lot of
money for them, but take care. Remember that they are cheap guitars and have nothing to do with Hank Marvin.
Nice for a collector but no player.

19. The Shadows
got info from John Pokorny. Thank you.
It is not the "S-type" Marvin guitars they are playing. These are different. If you know anything about them
please advise.
//www.youtube.com/user/CliffShads "In the Mood".
http://www.youtube.com/user/CliffShads "The Rise and Fall of Flingel Bunt" (the one from Australian Bandstand, 1967).
18. New Burns guitars

Of cours I will present all guitars produced after 2002. Both from Burns USA and Burns London.
Many really nice guitars. Here is a picture from a player in Norway who has bought a Dream guitar 2011
in cherry burst (to the left) and a Legend Dream 2001 in black cherry burst. He was very satisfied with
the guitars and really enjoyed the Dream 2011, which he prefered. There are many more
both guitars and basses from the 90:s company. The new burns company has survived much longer than the Burns London company back in the 60:s. I will try to get comments on each guitar from Barry Gibson.
17. Missing guitars

Crazy Diamonds". I have collected a lot of pictures during the last years and now I hope
I will show pictures of these guitars in my coming book. I appreciate that different players
and collectors send pictures to me. Today I got a picture of a Nu-Sonic Bass from Steve Rockwood. (Thank you Steve!) In my book I just had a picture of George Harrison (the Beatles) playing one Nu-Sonic Bass,but no colour photo. The Beatles used a Nu-Sonic Bass on on song but the Beatles fans have different opinions on which song it is. Do you have any suggestions. Today Burns London have started producing this bass again.
16 Burns picks

15.Readers wishes

14. Strange Baldwin prototype

13. Scratchplates and drawings

New Marvin T-shirts

Buy a Burns Flexi-cap
12. Lap-steels and other kind of guitars

11. Famous players during the 60-s

10. Fakes